May 16, 2013

TUGAS Bahasa Inggris Lanjut — TOEFL

Posted in Tugas + Resume at 9:32 pm by Billy Dewantara

Listen to a conversation between two university students who met on campus.

Surveyor: Excuse me….

Junior: Yes?

S: Hello. I’m, uh, I’m taking a student survey as a part of my Sociology course, and, um, I wonder if I could ask you a few questions?

J: Uh… well- how long will it take?

S: Oh, only about three minutes. Do you have time?

J: Hmm. Yes, I guess so. Only three minutes, eh?

S: Yes, and it’s anonymous. I only need to ask your age, sex, and, um, university year.

J: OK. Sure. Go ahead.

S: Thanks. (recites) This is a student survey in partial fulfillment of the requirements for Sociology 117. No identifying information will be collected. This survey constitutes research data for the topic “The Relation of Student Alcohol Consumption to Student Attendance and Grade Point Average”. It will take approximately three minutes to complete. My name is Nancy Puzzio. Question one: What is your age?

J: I’m, uh, nineteen.

S: And you’re male.

J: Last time I looked, yes.

S: And your year at BSU?

J: Third year. I graduate at the end of next academic year.

S: Thank you. Now, the legal drinking age in this state is eighteen. Do you drink alcohol at all?

J: Uh, yes, I do. Sometimes.

S: And have you been drinking alcohol since you turned eighteen, the legal drinking age?

J: Yes- I started on my eighteenth birthday, as a matter of fact.

S: How often do you consume alcoholic beverages?

J: Oh, um…it’s hard to say….

S: Do you consume some quantity every day?

J: Huh? Oh, no. No- maybe once or twice a week, average.

S: And what is your beverage of choice?

J: Oh, I drink beer usually. Occasionally wine. I don’t like, uh, um, hard liquor.

S: How many pints of beer do you consume in one drinking session?

J: “Drinking session”? I don’t get sloshed every time I drink!

S: No, “session” just means “occasion” or “instance”- it’s a research term.

J: Oh, I see. Uh… two, three pints maybe.

S: Once or twice a week?

J: Yes, that’s right.

S: And would that be on regular days- weekends, for example?

J: Yes, that’s right. Friday night, or Saturday night. Sometimes both.

S: And for which of the following reasons would you say you primarily drink alcohol? A – stress. B – pleasure. C – socialization. D – habit?

J: Can I choose more than one?

S: Yes.

J: Then, I guess I’d say for pleasure, mostly, and to relieve, um, stress? Stress. For relaxation, really- after a week of classes and studying, it’s relaxing.

S: Do you usually drink alone, or with others?

J: Oh. Sometimes alone. Usually with others- my roommate or classmates or somebody.

S: And- do you ever consume sufficient alcohol to feel its aftereffects the following day?

J: You mean, do I ever have a hangover? No… Well, very rarely. Sometimes after a party.

S: How often would you say you attend parties where alcoholic beverages are served?

J: Hmm. Maybe once in two or three months. Not often. Sometimes I get invited to a, a fraternity party or something, but not very often.

S: Has the consumption of alcohol ever affected your class attendance or your ability to study?

J: No.

S: Has the consumption of alcohol ever restricted your study or preparation time?

J: No, not really. Of course, I suppose I could be studying all Friday and Saturday nights, too. So in that, uh, sense, yes, I guess it does limit my studies in that way. But, uh, I think it’s more important for good study habits to have that, er, relaxation time available, you know?

S: OK. Have your drinking habits or quantities changed significantly since you began drinking?

J: No, I don’t think so. No.

S: And have your study habits or class attendance changed significantly during your time at BSU?

J: No, not really. I may be preparing a little more now. My courses are harder, and I’m more, well, concerned about grades now.

S: What is your current GPA?

J: Three point eight.

S: Oh! That’s great! Well, thank you for your time. This is the end of the survey. If you’re interested in the outcome of my research, I’ll be, um, making it available to survey participants at the end of the semester. Here. This is my email address. Please email me if you’d like to get a copy of my survey results.

J: Yeah, I would, actually. This is kind of an interesting topic.

S: Thank you for participating. Have a nice day.

J: You, too. And good luck on your paper.

S: Thanks! ‘Bye.


1). How long has the young man been drinking alcohol?

(A) Since he entered university.

(B) Since his birthday.

(C) Every weekend.

(D) One or two years. — CORRECT

2). What can be said about the young man’s drinking habits?

(A) He drinks less now.

(B) He drinks more now.

(C) He drinks the same now. — CORRECT

(D) He doesn’t drink now.

3). What is the purpose of this conversation?

(A) To acquire research data — CORRECT

(B) To judge students’ attitude to their education

(C) To measure drinking in campus

(D) To warn students against alcoholism

4). What will the young man probably do in the near future?

(A) Try to stop drinking alcohol

(B) Contact the young woman — CORRECT

(C) Review his study habits

(D) Try to improve his GPA

5). Why does the young man say this: “Oh, um…it’s hard to say….”?

(A) He is embarrassed about his drinking.

(B) He is unsure how to express his drinking habits — CORRECT

(C) He thinks it’s wrong to drink alcohol.

(D) He is unwilling that the young woman should know his drinking habits



September 15, 2012

SMTP and POP 3

Posted in Tugas + Resume at 4:36 am by Billy Dewantara

SMTP (SimpleMail Transfer Protocol) itu sendiri dalam definisinya adalah suatu protokol yang umum digunakan untuk pengiriman surat elektronik atau email di Internet. Protokol ini gunakan untuk mengirimkan data dari komputer pengirim surat elektronik ke server surat elektronik penerima. Jadi client E-mail dan server menggunakan protokol SMTP dengan menggunakan port 25 untuk mengatur proses pengiriman dan penerimaan E-Mail.
Sebagaimana yang telah dibahas, daripada hanya mengirim E-Mail dengan RFC2822 (Internet Message Format (IMF)) header yang benar disekitarnya, client E-Mail dan server harus berkomunikasi terlebih dahulu. Untuk menggunakan SMTP bisa dari Microsoft Outlook. biasanya untuk menggunakan SMTP di perlukan settingan :
1. Email Address : contoh —>
2. Incoming Mail (POP3, IMAP or HTTP) server :
3. Outgoing (SMTP) server :
4. Account Name :
5. Password : password yang telah anda buat sebelumnya Read the rest of this entry »

April 25, 2012

Classless and Classful Routing Protocols

Posted in Tugas + Resume at 10:20 am by Billy Dewantara

Routing protocol yang bersifat dynamic adalah:


1. Routing Information Protocol(RIP)

2. Interior Gateway ROuting Protocol(IGRP)

3. Enhanced IGRP(EIGRP)

4. Open Shortest Path First(OSPF)

5. Intermediate System-Intermediate System(IS-IS)

6. Border Gateway Protocol(BGP)

Beberapa protokol routing masih harus mempertimbangkan pengelompokan network kedalam kelas A,B,atau C dan beberapa protokol routing yang lain mengabaikan aturan pengelompokan seperti ini. Protokol jenis pertama disebut classful routing protocols;  dan yang kedua disebut classless routing protocols. Read the rest of this entry »

March 6, 2012

Metodologi Penelitian

Posted in Tugas + Resume at 2:50 pm by Billy Dewantara

Harapan dan rasa ingin tahu sebagai fungsi pikiran menghasilkan 2 hal :

  1. Dorongan yang bersifat praktis

Menghasilkan Ilmu pengetahuan Terapan dan Teknologi

–  Dorongan yang bersifat pada saat mendesak

2. Dorongan yang bersifat non praktis atau teoritis

Menghasilkan Ilmu Pengetahuan Murni atau Ilmu Murni

Berbagai cara untuk memperoleh Pembenaran Pengetahuan

  • Kebetulan (accident)
  • Otoritas
  • Coba-coba dan ralat (Trial & Error)
  • Spekulasi (speculation)
  • Pengalaman (experient)
  • Metode Ilmiah (Scientific Method)

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February 29, 2012


Posted in Tugas + Resume at 1:23 pm by Billy Dewantara

Model referensi OSI atau Osi Referance Model adalah System Network Architecture (SNA) atau biasa disebut Arsitektur Jaringan Sistem. Model OSI ini digunakan sebagai standard umum untuk membangun permodelan arsitektur jaringan komputer secara konseptual. Model OSI ini terdiri dari 7 lapisan yang disebut dengan layer.

Cara kerja dari setiap layer ini mengirimkan data dari komputer satu ke komputer lainnya dengan cara mengirimkan data tersebut ke layer dibawahnya sehingga berakhir dilayer terakhir, kemudian mengirimkan ke komputer yang dituju. Lalu, data tersebut dikirim layer yang paling atas yaitu application layer. Read the rest of this entry »

October 23, 2011

Pentingya Suatu Etika

Posted in Tugas + Resume at 3:46 pm by Billy Dewantara

Dalam Kehidupan saat ini Teknologi Informasi pun sangatlah penting. Dan saat ini teknologi informasi semakin berkembang. Teknologi informasi juga sangat membantu setiap manusia dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, dapat membantu manusia untuk bekerja dan mendapatkan segala informasi yang akan dibutuhkan secara hemat dan efisien waktu. Dengan teknologi sekarang ini, orang jg dapat melakukan berbagai hal, yaitu berbagi dalam hal informasi atau sharing-sharing dengan orang lain. Dan dalam berbagi itu semua pasti akan bertatap muka oleh masyarakat. Di dalam pergaulan hidup bermasyarakat, diperlukan suatu system yang mengatur bagaimana seharusnya manusia bergaul. Sistem pengaturan pergaulan tersebut menjadi saling menghormati dan dikenal dengan sebutan sopan santun, tata karma, dan lain-lain. Read the rest of this entry »

October 18, 2011

Pengambilan Resiko (KWU)

Posted in Tugas + Resume at 4:06 pm by Billy Dewantara

Definisi Resiko

• Suatu ketidakpastian dimasa yang akan datang.

• Suatu Konsekuensi yang memunculkan dampak yang merugikan

Apakah Situasi yang beresiko itu ?

 Situasi beresiko terjadi jika anda diminta memilih pilihan antara dua alternatif atau lebih, yang hasilnya tidak diketahui.

3 Hal yang bisa menjadi bahan pertimbangan dalam proses mengambil keputusan untuk memulai usaha

1. Hadapi ketakutan anda

2. Melakukan counter – berikan sisi positif lebih banyak dari sisi negatif

3. Komitmen pada diri sendiri Read the rest of this entry »

October 4, 2011

Perintah – Perintah yang Terdapat Dalam Ubuntu (SO)

Posted in Tugas + Resume at 5:32 pm by Billy Dewantara


Kali ini saya akan mencoba memberikan beberapa dari perintah – perintah dasar ubuntu …

Daftar dan penjelasan beberapa perintah dasar pada ubuntu. Read the rest of this entry »

Pelanggaran Kode Etik / IEEE Dalam Penggunaan IT & Pelanggaran Hak Cipta (Etika Profesi)

Posted in Tugas + Resume at 1:27 am by Billy Dewantara

Kasus Pemanfaatan IT yang melanggar

Kode Etik / IEEE

Kasus Penggunaan data diri pribadi orang untuk merusak citra seseorang.

Facebook adalah sarana komunikasi atau jejaring sosial yang cukup terkenal di dunia. Bahkan di Indonesia sendiri penggunanya cukup banyak. Untuk memperkenalkan diri, seorang pengguna biasanya mengisi dan memperlihatkan data pribadi di dalam account facebooknya. Namun keterbukaan data yang ditampilkan tersebut bisa berdampak negatif. Read the rest of this entry »

September 27, 2011

Langkah2 Membuat User, Groups, File pada Ubuntu (SO)

Posted in Tugas + Resume at 12:43 pm by Billy Dewantara

Cara Menambah/Membuat User  :
Buka Terminal

2. Enter new UNIX password : (masukkan password yg anda inginkan),

Retype new UNIX password : (masukkan password yg anda inginkan),

Enter, Lalu sampai muncul :  Is The information corret? [Y/n], Ketiklah Y.

Read the rest of this entry »

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